
E Bay Soliloquay

Unpublished: Exception Facebook.

Apologies to Shakespeare.

To bid or not to bid that is the question...

whether 'tis nobler on e-bay to suffer

the risk of missing out or to stay calm

against a possible avalanche of last minute buyers,

or by bidding early warn them. 

To buy, to weep, what for?

The heart ache of a thousand missed purchases

that we are desperate for;

'tis a consumerists most devout wish...

to buy, to keep; to keep purchance to use!

Aye, there's the rub:  for in that keeping what joys may come? 

When we have shuffled away but

one toy to take a pause- there's the carpet! 

What calamity it has hid below for so long!

For who could deny the allure of the win?

The final click, the purchasers screen

The pangs of realised love, the bidding won,

The invisible foe vanquished

What patience this journey takes!

When she herself might as easily take

Second by a bare moment? By a millisecond click to late,

To grunt and swear, a teary wife,

But that, the dread of someone else's victory,

The undiscovered person from who's clutches

No auction returns, having the skill,

And worse, having that which we would have

That flies to others that we know not of?

Thus purchase does make paupers of us all,

And thus the native hue of resolution

Is sickened by the pale cast of over thought,

And enterprises of great pitch and moment,

With this regard they currently turn away,

And lose by the name of inaction. Scoff you now,

The fair nature of play!  Desired object lost...

But all my wins remembered.

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