
Time For Bed

Unpublished: Exception Facebook

Written sitting beside the beds of my children as they drifted off to sleep.

It's just about time for bed
So you can rest your sleepy head
Grab your teddy off the chair!
Does everybody have their bear?
Snuggle close, enjoy your drink.
What book tonight do you think?
Shall we have a pirate tale?
Bury the treasure, and off we sail!
Maybe one about some mice
Or little pigs?  Would that be nice?
This one here's about a car
That chugs and toots and travels far
Maybe one on counting sheep...
Would that help you go to sleep?
How 'bout this one on the moon?
They travel there by silver spoon!
The queen in this one is quiet mean
And another has a magic bean.
What about this naughty bunny?
The rhymes in here are very funny!
You want the book that counts your toes?
Can you tell me how it goes?
So many books we've just read
Now off to bed my sleepy head
I'll be in soon to tuck you tight
And give you one last kiss goodnight.

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