
May 13th, 2007

Two pieces, neither published.

and in the passing of those held dear
we reflect back, shed a tear
regret the times we did not spend
an idle moment with departed friend
memories come unbidden now
of days gone past, of where, of how
we curse that they have gone away
wish them here to always stay
we remember smiles, forget the face
knowing they are lost to eternities embrace

I see he who is most important before me
I feel his arms embrace me again
He has held me while I cry in pain
Seen the heartache of phone calls not received
The emptiness of nights with no other
Experiencing each tear I wept as his own
Through childhood misery and fear
He has led me through adolescence
After each rejection he has given me acceptance
A guiding hand, a kind word, a smile
He has encouraged my dreams, laughed at my follies
I see he who is most important before me
I feel his arms drop away as he embraces sleep
I take my first steps into adulthood... alone

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