

Unpublished: Exception Facebook

When you say you love her look at her
Look at the entire person lying before you
See the haunted look in eyes that have seen
All the losses and pain such admissions bring
Feel the roughness of lips, raw from biting
Holding in hurts that others freely spit out
Taste the saltiness of tears and blood
Mingling together as her heart lays bare
See the child inside and embrace the lost woman
Fear keeping her going when others have fallen
Do not just see the person you once knew
See the person now, and love them
Knowing that to truly love is sacrifice
It's giving up yourself to the trust and faith of another
It's not a game to be played so you can make your end
It's every day, it's good, it's bad, it's indescribably hurtful
It's laying yourself naked, bereft of all chances to cover yourself
So that another holds you, in their heart, in their hope
It's listening to the truths when you want to hear lies
Knowing that the air you breath every day
Means so much more with that person beside you

See the person lying naked before you
Before you caress her with your mouth, your tongue, your words
Look deep within and see what she reflects back at you
As she lies there, vulnerable, anticipating your next move

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