
Over Tired Mummy Goes Shopping

Unpublished: Exception Facebook.

I am the woman you just walked past
Your memory of me will not last
The headache my kids give you
You'll carry most of the day
And a vague feeling of annoyance
Aimed at the woman you just walked past

I am the mother of the child who' screaming
Who doesn't want to be trapped in the trolley
Who wants to run around and be free
Who wants to put things in the basket
Who wants that bright ball on the shelf
Who wants to not be strapped in
Who thinks I am being cruel

I am the person who cannot control her
I am the mother who will - not - crack
I am the mother who's voice is rising
It's getting  louder then it needs to be
But I need to get milk, I need bread
Those chocolates in the trolley?
I'll eat them tonight in the dark
Crying over my inadequacies
They are not the things fueling her tantrum

I am the thing that was, an age ago,
I was you... wondering why that thing couldn't
Stop the behaviors, stop the noise, stop her child
I was giving that "you poor dear" smile
I was handing out advice that cost me nothing
I was glaring at it while leaving
My head throbbing with her brat's screams!
How could anyone let their child be like that?
Why -  doesn't -  she - just - go -  HOME!

 I am the mother of a beautiful child
She's currently having a rough time
She's tired and wants to rest
But their is so much going on
And she want's to explore, to run!
She can't waste time on sleeping!
There's too much to do!  Like this!
And that over there!  And mummy has her trapped!


You didn't see my Princess this morning
Tidying up her room, putting away her toys
You didn't see her help her brother dress
You didn't see the game she was taken from
To be dragged to go shopping while it rained
You didn't see anything but this 15 minutes
This moment of horror that has me in tears
This woman pushing around an angry child
This woman getting kicked, hit, bit, scratched
This woman just trying to get her shopping done.

And this woman is  sorry if she upset your day.

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